What is Amazon EC2 -- Elastic Compute Cloud

From traditions we are working with the physical machines and Virtual machines, as an Administrator or a Developer we will be facing plenty of issues like hardware failure, security issues and a lot more. As cloud is the best solution for all the points, Amazon EC2 service is a way out for this.

Amazon EC2 provides a virtual computing environment, known as Instances. We can launch as many instances we need using the predefined templates known as Amazon Machine Images (AMI).

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We can choose any one of the purchasing option while launching an instance according to our necessity, as of now AWS is having 4 different types of Purchasing options, On-demand, spot instances, reserved and dedicated.

Various configurations of cpu, memory and networking capacity of the instances are categorized as the Instance types. Mainly 5 instance types are available in EC2 like General Purpose, Compute Optimized, Memory Optimized, Storage Optimized and GPU instances.

These instances are re-sizable, we can scale- up and scale-down the resources whenever we are in demand. We can use this instance to run our Applications with high availability and customers can access the applications without any waiting.

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Storage for the EC2 instances are provided by the AWS service called EBS, A persistent block level storage volume which can be extended in need. Every instance will be having a root disk and if required we can add more disks as well.

All the incoming and outgoing communications of the instances can be restricted by an inbuilt aws firewall called security group.

The login information on the Instances are secured by using key pairs, we can only login to the machine if we have the key pair with us.

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